Best Vacuum for Pet Hair Suction?- Sewing and Vacuum News Utah

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Best Vacuum for Pet Hair Suction?

Best Vacuum for Pet Hair Suction?

For millions of households across the nation, pets are seen as more than just “pets”. They are oftentimes considered family. However, these furry family members also bring with them a few slight issues, one of them being the fact that they shed all over the house.

As much as you may love your little furry friend, no one likes all of the hair that seems to make its way into every nook and cranny of your home. With nearly 200 million cats and dogs owned as pets in the US, it’s inevitable that a vacuum strong enough to clean up pet hair will be available. Among the various methods to get rid of pet hair, undoubtedly the number one method is to vacuum it away. You’ll find that we here at Vacuums 360 have some of the best pet vacuums around, one of the best being the Dyson DC41.

While there may be many vacuums on the market, all vacuums are not created equally. Just because it has a catchy name or claims to be the latest technology in robotics, doesn’t mean it will be the best vacuum to suck up pet hair. Exactly how is a robot supposed to suck up that pet hair from your window sill? How does a big bulky vacuum work at removing hair from your stairs or the arms of your sofa? The answer is that these vacuums aren’t very good at the job.

The Dyson series of vacuums are among the highest rated vacuums in the industry. That is not bragging, independent reviews say so. the DC41 model is rated best hair remover at Pet Gear Lab. With over one thousand customer reviews, the DC41 has a nearly 5-star rating on Amazon, and Consumer Reports rates the Dyson excellent at pet hair removal.

When you own a pet and want to clean up hair fast, your second-best friend, without a doubt, is any of the many Dyson vacuums available. Contact us today or visit our location in Salt Lake City and other areas in Utah to find out more or to purchase the best vacuum for homes with pets today.


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